By talking about "losers" and "alpha chads", you are uncritically adopting a value system that is base, crude, vulgar. You cannot even explain why abstaining from sexual intercourse should be seen as "bad" or anything. It is even worse that we see this on the "Alt Right", because they claim to be in favor of healthy nations. But healthy nations cannot allow sexual promiscuity. Therefore, they are either feds or vulgar idiots.
My father had several women too, he is a useless piece of dung, a loser, an ugly, hunchbacked idiot. I will not bow before such an idiot only because he was unable to stay continent. As if such morons, who have children out of wedlock with multiple women, are to be praised! They were thrown into penitentiaries in times of good breeding; why don't you all move to Africa?
Not having sex is a huge accomplishment, and you can be very proud of it. It proves that you are superior to the alpha chad. I'm sure you have no resentment whatsoever.
By talking about "losers" and "alpha chads", you are uncritically adopting a value system that is base, crude, vulgar. You cannot even explain why abstaining from sexual intercourse should be seen as "bad" or anything. It is even worse that we see this on the "Alt Right", because they claim to be in favor of healthy nations. But healthy nations cannot allow sexual promiscuity. Therefore, they are either feds or vulgar idiots.
My father had several women too, he is a useless piece of dung, a loser, an ugly, hunchbacked idiot. I will not bow before such an idiot only because he was unable to stay continent. As if such morons, who have children out of wedlock with multiple women, are to be praised! They were thrown into penitentiaries in times of good breeding; why don't you all move to Africa?
Not having sex is a huge accomplishment, and you can be very proud of it. It proves that you are superior to the alpha chad. I'm sure you have no resentment whatsoever.